Archive for Faye Dunaway

Angelina Jolie pregnant with Dragon’s baby!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 5, 2008 by fakegossip

Rumors have been swirling all over the place the last few weeks that Academy Award Winner Angelina Jolie is pregnant again. Her loose fitting dress at last weeks Screen Actors Guild Awards only added fuel to the fire.

Well, Fake Gossip News has gotten confirmation that Angie is indeed pregnant again. But the baby is not Brad Pitts. It turns out that while she was doing research for her role in “Beowulf” Angelina started spending a lot of time with a Dragon from the underworld! At the premier of the movie last November Angelina and the Dragon could not longer hold off the attraction. They enjoyed a night of unbridled passion in the clouds about the Hollywood sign.

Unfortunately, for both of them they didn’t use a dragon sized condom and Angie is preggers now! But don’t worry Jolie fans Angelina promises she will treat her dragon baby the same as all of her other children. When Fake Gossip News caught up with Angelina on the set of her new movie “Eating Scenery: The Next Generation” in which she stars as Faye Dunaway’s daughter she told us (in her best Transylvanian accent) “I am very excited to have a baby dragon in my belly”.

We wish Angelina all the best.

It’s LOVE!!

Too much scenery is bad for your teeth.

Posted in gossip with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2007 by fakegossip

Over the years Hollywood has grown more and more intrigued with the state of Academy Award winner Faye Dunaways teeth. At one point they were so nasty that homeless people started to floss in order to not look like her. As bad as her nasty teeth were her new chompers were even more shocking. It seems that when she unveiled her new teeth at this years Academy Awards they were so white that the people on the international space station contacted NASA wondering if there has been a nuclear bomb dropped on Los Angeles.

So what is the real story behind La Dunaway’s teeth. Fake Gossip News has learned that her teeth rotted out as a result on eating too much scenery. Acording to Faye’s friend and “Bonnie & Clyde” do-star Gene Hackman she first developed a taste for scenery on the set of “Bonnie & Clyde”. For over a decade she was able to keep her scenery chewing addition at bay but then when she made “Mommie Dearest” she crossed a line.

A lot of times when a film is done shooting stars like to keep a costume as a memory of the shoot. Faye keeps extra scenery and then eats it at home. In her West Hollywood home she has chowed down on the sets of “Supergirl”, “Barfly” and “Dunstin Checks In” among others. Faye even went to rehab for her scenery chewing addiction in 2000 but on the set of “The Rules Of Attraction” in 2001 “Dawson’s Creek” star James Van Der Beek caught her gnawing on a small set piece in her dressing room and it was all down hill from there.

Faye has sworn off scenery once again after spending $100,000 on her knew pearly whites. But the question remains can she fend off this demon that has haunted her for forty years.

Dunaway’s story should serve as a warning to such scenery chewing stars as Kevin Spacey and Annette Benning. Be careful how much you tear off it could rot your teeth and your career.